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Facts & Questions

ShareHouse FAQ's


How do I admit myself to ShareHouse?

  • Go to the ShareHouse Walk-In Clinic or Call to Schedule an Assessment

Do I need a clinical referral?

  • No, a referral is not required for ShareHouse.

What do I tell my employer?

  • Patients need to evaluate what, if any, information they will share with their employer.

  • Federal law does not require you to provide details to your employer. However, state laws vary.  Some employers offer a confidential Employee Assistance Program (EAP), which can be extremely helpful in this regard.

  • Employers may require a note from your physician indicating your need to be off work and length of time, as well as documentation that you are fit for duty prior to returning to work. You may wish to apply for leave under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA).


Is ShareHouse a Co-Occurring Disorders facility?

  • Yes. Co-occurring disorder describes the condition of a person considered to be suffering from a mental illness and Substance Use Disorder. Determining co-occurring disorders in patients is difficult as substance use often induces psychiatric symptoms. It is necessary to distinguish between substance-induced and pre-existing mental illness. Substance abuse, including alcohol and prescription drugs, can induce symptomatology that resembles mental illness. Frequently, anxiety and depression are induced by continuous alcohol/drug abuse which, in most cases, subsides with prolonged abstinence.

  • ShareHouse is a co-occurring disorder capable. It is common for patients to be present with a diagnosis in addition to Substance Use Disorder. ShareHouse staff includes a psychologist, mental health, Substance Use Disorder, and nursing professionals who are dedicated to helping individuals with substance abuse disorders and other comorbid mental conditions.

Will I get individual sessions with my counselor?

  • The majority of the counseling is done in a group setting.  Individual sessions occur with your counselor and/or various members of the treatment team, depending on your needs.


What do I pack for my stay at ShareHouse?


Can I use my cell phone, computer, or tablet while in treatment?

  • Yes, ShareHouse allows cell phones, laptops, and tablets on a controlled basis.

Can I smoke at ShareHouse?

  • Yes. You may smoke while at ShareHouse as the law allows in designated areas.  ShareHouse also offers nicotine replacement therapy.

How long can my family stay with me when they drop me off for admission?

  • If friends and/or family accompany you to treatment, they are welcome (but not required) to stay for the initial intake process.  This usually takes up to an hour.

Can I receive mail?

  • You are able to receive letters and cards
  • NO subscriptions
  • ONLY deliveries that will be accepted are for groceries
  • NO packages, ALL packages will be sent back RETURN TO SENDER
ShareHouse Rehabilitation | Recovery Is Possible | Mental Health | Drug & Alcohol Treatment

Patients Rights

Confidentiality of Patient records will be stipulated by applicable local, state, and federal statutes and regulations. It is the policy of ShareHouse, Inc. to protect its Patients in accordance with the Federal Confidentiality Regulations. At the same time, with proper consent, ShareHouse, Inc. staff must gather all relevant data in order to help in developing effective treatment plans for Patients.

ShareHouse Rehabilitation | Recovery Is Possible | Mental Health | Drug & Alcohol Treatment