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Board Member Application

ShareHouse Board Candidate,

Thank you for considering being a member of the Board of Directors of ShareHouse. The mission of ShareHouse is to provide personalized addiction recovery services for individuals, families, and the community. It is the role of the Board of Directors to provide governance to support our mission.

The basic expectations of our directors include:

  • Regular attendance at meetings.
  • Serving as a trusted advisor to the CEO as s/he develops and implements ShareHouse’s strategic plan.
  • Reviewing outcomes and metrics created by ShareHouse for evaluating its impact, and regularly measuring its performance and effectiveness using those metrics; reviewing agenda and supporting materials prior to board and committee meetings.
  • Approving ShareHouse’s annual budget, audit reports, and material business decisions; being informed of, and meeting all, legal and fiduciary responsibilities
  • Contributing to an annual performance evaluation of the CEO.
  • Assisting the CEO and board chair in identifying and recruiting other Board Members
  • Serving on committees or task forces and taking on special assignments
  • Representing ShareHouse to stakeholders; acting as an ambassador for the organization
  • Ensuring ShareHouse’s commitment to a diverse board and staff that reflects the communities ShareHouse serves.

Please fill out the following two pages and return them to Jeremy Traen, ShareHouse President/CEO at [email protected] or to the current board member that has reached out to you.


Eric Bailly, Board Chair

"*" indicates required fields

Personal Information

MM slash DD slash YYYY



Other Information

Please include Organization, Role/Title, and Dates of Service
Skills, experience, and interests
Please check all that apply
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.