Mental Health Awareness
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Mental Health does not have to be a scary topic. The more we talk about it, the more we learn about it; thus, allowing us to grow. By continuing to have these necessary conversations, we are helping others to heal, whether we realize it or not. Ensuring individuals know they are not alone and that plenty of other people have felt the way they are feeling makes a world of difference in their minds.
If you are struggling with your own Mental Health, consider reaching out for help. ShareHouse offers Mental Health services to anyone in the community at our Fargo location, not just clients already receiving treatment from us. If your situation requires more immediate help, please call 988. You matter, your Mental Health matters, and you deserve to live a life that is no longer controlled by the battles you fight in your mind.
This Mental Health Awareness Month, ShareHouse is taking an educational approach to conversations on this topic. We aim to increase awareness and teach people how truly impactful our mental states are. Below is a list of facts surrounding Mental Health so you can better understand how this affects people every day.

You matter, your Mental Health matters, and you deserve to live a life that is no longer controlled by the battles you fight in your mind.